Oreofe Olatunji-Kemorwale

Senior Associate


Oreofe is a seasoned attorney with over a decade’s experience incivil and commercial litigation. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Botswana in 2013. She is a RICS ACRE accredited Civil and Commercial Mediator and holds post graduate qualifications in Pension Funds Law and in Finance.

Oreofe currently heads the litigation and alternate dispute resolution department of Kelobang Godisang Attorneys and has extensive experience in novel and complex litigation matters. She is particularly well versed in enforcement of commercial agreements, financial recoveries, delictual claims and labour relations matters.

Her competence in both litigation and commercial matters specially positions her to provide comprehensive and commercially sound legal solutions in any setting.

Oreofe Olatunji-Kemorwale //
Senior Associate

Unit 2, Building 8,
Plot 75783, Setlhoa Office Park,
Gaborone, Botswana
Phone: (+267) 76545913
Email: ore@kgattorneys.co.bw